
Chief Operating Officer (COO) Doug Porter Retires

May 26, 2022

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On behalf of the Saskatoon Tribal Council Chiefs, Councilors, Management, and staff, we would like to extend our congratulations and well wishes to Doug Porter, who retired from his position as COO from the Saskatoon Tribal Council on April 29, 2022. Doug has been a part of the STC family for 25 years. His corporate history and knowledge of the organization will certainly be missed.

Throughout his 25 years, Doug has been involved in the evolution of STC, integral to the organization, historical moments, STC legacies, and corporate business. Doug was actively involved and contributed to the project management of the Dakota Dunes Casino. He also remained President & CEO of STC Casino Holdings as well as STC Investments upon his retirement.


“I have been very fortunate to have had the experience of working with STC and the seven-member nations of the Tribal Council. It has been most humbling and an honor to be in this role, and it is with much gratitude that I say thanks to the Chiefs who allowed me to be part of this organization. I wish continued success to each of the STC First Nations and the Tribal Council as they continue to move forward with initiatives affecting positive change,”

~ Doug Porter ~

On behalf of everyone at STC we will miss Doug and celebrate his achievements, service, and contributions.

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