Education Timeline


  • January2020toNovember2021
    One STC Member First Nation opted to purchase second-level services from STCEC and remain part of the STEC Technical Working Group.
  • December2019
    To present on REA discussions
  • November2019
    STCEC was given direction to attain a Regional Education Agreement (REA).
  • October2019
    STCEC was incorporated under Saskatchewan's Non-Profit Corporations Act, 1995.
  • April2019
    STC Member First Nations signed a Political Accord as an expression of their collective statement respecting how Member First Nations recognize and implement education jurisdiction while remaining vested in STC and working towards a common good.
  • March to June2019
    Governance House approved the educational standards for education alliance and participating Member First Nations.
  • June2017toMarch2018
    The EWGs worked to identify and affirm educational standards for the communities and the education alliance.
  • March2016
    Governance House passed a Tribal Council Resolution (TCR) to pursue an education alliance between seven of the eight-Member First Nations. Education Working Groups (EWGs) were established to facilitate the process and liaison between STCEC and the communities to develop local capacity, create local education policy and procedures, and eventually Band Council Resolutions (BCRs).
  • May2015
    Governance House directed the STC Education Corporation to implement a First Nations Education Alliance with participating communities.
  • March2012
    STC began collaborating with its Member First Nations to create an education system that meets the unique needs of First Nations children and youth.

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STC's Vision